Category Archives: Amateur Radio

Recycling Tait 8110 Radios

A while ago, I posted about the Tait 8110 Radio, beloved (hated) by the taxi community, back in the days when we actually had taxi radios, a taxi community, and, actually taxis that weren’t fucking Ubers.

Lately, following the takeover of my company (thankfully by a bunch of lads who hate Uber as much as I do), all our radios have become surplus to requirements.

Continue reading Recycling Tait 8110 Radios

RSGB TestReach Tutorial

You can get the feel of how the Online system works by using the links below and taking the TestReach tutorial – you can use it as many time as you like and you can pass it on to anyone who’s interested in the exams etc 
Navigate to using your usual browser. 
Password: rsgb123$TR 
Click the ‘Take Tutorial’ tab
You should note that this is the standard TestReach tutorial and in it it mentions a couple of functions that we aren’t using, namely the Resource (Q6) and the Remote Invigilation (Q7) functions. 
Thanks to Dave Wilson (M0OBW), for this info.

Linux SDR APRS IGate setup

Ok… Firstly, there are many guides to doing this already on the internet, but most of the use a Raspberry Pi. I’m not using one, for reasons that will be made clear later.

Secondly, I couldn’t find any one of the guides that did exactly what we wanted.

Before you read all this rubbish, it is important that to use it you will need an Amateur Radio License and Callsign, and and APRS-IS Passcode. If you don’t have them, then go and get them before continuing.

So, with that in mind…

On with the motley